
"we cannot all do great things, but we can do small things with great love."
mother teresa

sylvana candela

"we cannot all do great things, but we can do small things with great love."
mother teresa

sylvana candela

Sylvana C. Candela, L.Ac. MATCM, licensed acupuncturist, master of acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine resides in Sherwood, Oregon. She has supervised in community acupuncture clinics in Los Angeles, California including Samra University and Yo San University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, and the Being Alive Center of West Hollywood for those infected with HIV and AIDS. Prior to becoming an acupuncturist Sylvana received her bachelor’s degree in special education from Queens College of the City University of New York, and taught children with autism at the Sybil Elgar School in London, England. She writes books for all ages; pre-school through adults, to help guide the reader through healing the body, mind and spirit with love and other natural forms of energy medicine.

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Sylvana C. Candela, L.Ac. MATCM, licensed acupuncturist, master of acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine resides in Sherwood, Oregon. She has supervised in community acupuncture clinics in Los Angeles, California including Samra University and Yo San University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, and the Being Alive Center of West Hollywood for those infected with HIV and AIDS. Prior to becoming an acupuncturist Sylvana received her bachelor’s degree in special education from Queens College of the City University of New York, and taught children with autism at the Sybil Elgar School in London, England. She writes books for all ages; pre-school through adults, to help guide the reader through healing the body, mind and spirit with love and other natural forms of energy medicine.

a message from sylvana...
healing yourself to heal the world

Mahatma Gandhi said, “Be the change you wish to see in the world.” So I began to consider how I might go about doing just that. Can any one of us truly make a difference; and if so… how? I have come to believe that Gandhi was right and the answer to that question is a simple, “Yes. We can all make a difference; great or small.” However; though it may be simple it most certainly is not easy. Being a positive force of change in the world means that we first must learn to face, deal with, and ultimately heal and transform our personal shadows. We are each born with our own challenges and issues, adding more as we travel along the road of life’s destiny. These challenges can manifest in any number of ways including those related to health, relationships, career, and finances.

Working with energy medicine, I began to heal various broken pieces of my life including health related issues. And I discovered much to my amazement and delight that as the healing progressed, what were once my weaknesses in physical, mental and emotional health, gradually became my greatest strengths. This in turn lit a flame within me of a passion to help others; for as we transcend our own suffering so are we able to open a door for those around us to do the same.

According to the butterfly effect theory, when a butterfly moves its wings, it can cause a cyclone in another part of the world. Today, as humankind, nature and mother earth are all being ravaged by a torrential storm, each and every one of you has the capacity to heal yourself and become a healing pillar of  light, love and compassion for humanity. May you all radiate intensely with the loving heart of the Creator.

a message from sylvana...
healing yourself to heal the world

Mahatma Gandhi said, “Be the change you wish to see in the world.” So I began to consider how I might go about doing just that. Can any one of us truly make a difference; and if so… how? I have come to believe that Gandhi was right and the answer to that question is a simple, “Yes. We can all make a difference; great or small.” However; though it may be simple it most certainly is not easy. Being a positive force of change in the world means that we first must learn to face, deal with, and ultimately heal and transform our personal shadows. We are each born with our own challenges and issues, adding more as we travel along the road of life’s destiny. These challenges can manifest in any number of ways including those related to health, relationships, career, and finances.

Working with energy medicine, I began to heal various broken pieces of my life including health related issues. And I discovered much to my amazement and delight that as the healing progressed, what were once my weaknesses in physical, mental and emotional health, gradually became my greatest strengths. This in turn lit a flame within me of a passion to help others; for as we transcend our own suffering so are we able to open a door for those around us to do the same.

According to the butterfly effect theory, when a butterfly moves its wings, it can cause a cyclone in another part of the world. Today, as humankind, nature and mother earth are all being ravaged by a torrential storm, each and every one of you has the capacity to heal yourself and become a healing pillar of  light, love and compassion for humanity. May you all radiate intensely with the loving heart of the Creator.