Cell phone safety

Our cell phones come with a safety warning; keep at least six inches away from the body. This warning is programmed into the phone and is accessible from the appropriate setting. Since every phone company seems to have their own way of downloading the safety information it is probably best to just call your provider and ask for help accessing it. Having said that, how many of you actually keep your phone at least six inches away from your body… at all times?

I have discovered a way of “wearing” a cell phone which is perhaps a little less dangerous than the way the average person wears it. By using applied kinesiology or muscle testing as it is also know, I have tested many, many people in my acupuncture practice over the years to show them the difference between a not-so-safe-way and a safer way of being in contact with their phone. The unhealthy factor regarding cell phones, computers, laptops, ipads. microwave ovens and various other modern day electronic products, is radiation. And when we hold a cell phone pressed directly against our ear, we are receiving a blast of radiation going directly into the brain; which is why your service provider issues that warning. For a woman, if you carry your cell phone in your bra then your breasts are getting irradiated. For a man, if you carry your cell phone in your pocket then various parts of your anatomy; front to back (depending on which pocket it is in) are taking a hit.

So here is what I discovered about how you can receive considerably less exposure to the radiation emitted by your device when in close contact with it; based on the quick and easy results I obtained from muscle testing. Simply turn it around and wear it backwards. That way the radiation is flowing away from your body rather than towards it. Also, if you are taking any over the counter natural supplements such as flower essences or homeopathy, it is best to keep your cell phone and any other radiation emitting device at least two feet away from your remedies. Prolonged exposure to your cell phone, a microwave in use, or any other radiation device can render your remedy ineffective.

For more information on how to use applied kinesiology, there are many educational videos on the internet. I also have a whole section on applied kinesiology and how to use it in my upcoming book, Gently Heal Thyself. Please check it out on the BOOKS page of my website for more information.