Before you begin, be very clear about why you are meditating. It might help to either journal about it, pray and ask for guidance, or talk to another person.
Make sure that all devices are turned off or silenced so you will not be disturbed. Wear comfortable, loose fitting garments, and lay back either in a chair or on a bed, so that your body is able to fully relax. If your desire is NOT to fall asleep, then it is probably better to be in a chair than in bed.
Meditation: The Earth Pulse Connection
The frequency of the earth is said to be 7.83Hz. In this meditation you will be connecting to that frequency. If you have a quartz crystal or a favorite gemstone you might want to hold it in your dominant hand; or with two crystals, one in each hand. As your breathing slows down during meditation, you will automatically attune yourself to 7.38Hz since you are telling your body to do so; and in a meditative state it will respond to your command.
In a comfortable position, feel your body to be very light, as if you are melting into the chair (or bed). Starting from the top of your head, feel each part of your body relax, from the head, to the neck, shoulders, arms, chest, abdomen, thighs, legs and feet. Take your time with it, focusing on one body part at a time, feeling yourself relax more and more as you go. When you get to your feet, focus on the very bottom of each foot. Imagine sending a stream of light from the bottom of your foot down to the center of the earth, and then bring it back up full of earth energy into your foot and your whole body. While doing this, say the number 7.83Hz to yourself three times. Then ask what it is you are seeking the earth’s three times followed by the question you are asking, or just feel the serenity of the earth’s pulse grounding you and gently filling your soul with peace and love.
The Ultra Gamma Peak
Gamma is one of the higher brain waves of the human brain. Using this form of meditation relaxes and raises you up at the same time. It can be done by itself, or following the Earth Pulse Connection; whatever feels better to you. The Ultra Gamma Peak can bring you to a state of exhilaration and even ecstacy as it did with Mother Teresa of Avila, in the 16th century. I share a story about that in my book, Gently Heal Thyself.
In a comfortable position, close your eyes and relax. Now you are ready to ascend to your heart center and a higher state of being. Think of the word GAMMA three times in your mind and inhale. As you feel a rush of energy filling and expanding your heart, exhale slowly through pursed lips, as if you are blowing softly. There is a sense of euphoria when this happens. If you don’t feel the rush of energy right away, wait a few seconds and try again. Since gamma resonates at 32-100Hz, you can also think of either of those two numbers three times. Do this slowly and rhythmically; GAMMA… GAMMA… GAMMA… 100Hz… 100Hz… 100Hz… GAMMA… GAMMA… GAMMA… 100Hz… 100Hz… 100Hz… etc. Once you feel the flow of euphoria, enjoy the connection and ask for divine guidance or see your issue as being healed or resolved; it is done.
In His Name; It Is Done
This is a continuation of the Ultra Gamma Experience, where you are seeing the issue and manifesting it as already being resolved. In a state of euphoria continue to say GAMMA, GAMMA, GAMMA, only this time raise the frequency and speak directly to the God of your understanding. For me this is the Holy Trinity so I will use those words for this meditation. But please feel free to substitute whatever words resonate with you. You may raise the frequency as high as you can stand it. Just be sure that your windows are closed so you don’t go floating out of the room! Seriously though, you can expect to feel a weightless sensation the higher you go.
In a heightened state of awareness or ecstacy say the following over and over in sets of three; GAMMA, GAMMA, GAMMA, 200Hz, 200Hz, 200Hz, (up to 600 or 700Hz is okay too), In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit; it is done, it is done, it is done… GAMMA, GAMMA, GAMMA…200Hz, 200Hz, 200Hz…In the name of the Father Son and Holy Spirit; it is done, it is done, it is done.
Continue to think about what it is you are trying to manifest or accomplish and feel the peace of our heavenly Father (or the God of your own understanding) fill your soul.
Blessings to you… Sylvana